Ok. This morning I was trying to access my FB page and for some reason it has been deleted or someone hacked into my PERSONAL account and did something to it. I have no clue what happened. So, I am not going to fool with that for a little while. I have some BIG news!! As some of you don't know, I am a teacher. I have been hoping for a position to open up and my son's school at Simpson Academy, and luckily something opened up within the last week or so. They called me in to talk about it, called me in for a more formal interview, and bam! I got the job!! I'm really excited, but also SAD! I have been home ever since I had Walker, so this is going to be BIG adjustment! Vallie will start daycare at FBC in Magee, and I will start WORK teaching K3 at Simpson! I am so happy to be able to be where our kids will be! SO, now that I got all of that excitement out of the way, it's time for me to get to work. I have several things I need to catch up on so I won't be CRAZY when I start work. However, I will be slowing down just a tad, only until I can get in the groove of things. The next two weeks are going to be very crazy for me as we have Fall Festival on Monday, October 25th from 6-8:30 (Come up to Simpson if you are in the area, we will have several vendors and lots of great food. It will be down at the football field!), a quick camping trip to Yogi Bear Halloween weekend, and a field trip November 2, which is also Vallie's birthday! I don't think I EVER slow down! I do have some new appliques, and a few things I've done lately...I will get those posted later tonight or tomorrow. I need a better way of posting new appliques-if you have any ideas PLEASE let me know!! Thanks for your support and just note if you want something by Thanksgiving or Christmas or if you need something pretty quick, just let me know, and try to get your orders in for the holidays! Thanks again for your support and I hope I can still take care of your monogramming needs!!!