Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's been a while!

I know it's been a while since I've updated. I've been busy busy working on orders and they keep coming!! Thanks to all of you for keeping me busy! Just a note to let you know that Walker will be out of school for the summer SOON!!! I will still be monogramming, but please be aware that it may take me a little longer to get things done since I will be home with my two little monkeys!!
Stay tuned for new pics, and appliques. I have recently gotten some new appliques, but haven't had the time to upload them yet. We got Walker a swingset last week and when they were installing it, they got our phone/internet line! Needless to say I'm going crazy without the internet, and keeping up with blogs I follow!! Thanks for all of your business and thanks for supporting a stay at home mom!
I will try to get the new pics and applique pics up asap! Now, back I go to monogramming!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A special request!! CUTE idea!
Here is an applique name shirt. It really depends on the length of the name and size of shirt when doing these. This customer actually requested another font, but it was a chunky font, and wouldn't fit on this small of a shirt. I thought it turned out cute!

Another Garanimals outfit

I bought these shorts for Walker a while back and decided to go ahead and do a shirt to match before I got booked up again...Glad I did!! He loves helicopters, so I had to put this helicopter from Applique Momma on it, and it's so cute! He's almost getting too big for these cute outfits!


One of my old friends I used to work with is having a baby!!! Boy baby! She requested the colors and appliques. So here's my gift to her!! I really love the colored onesies, (I had never embroidered on them before, but I LOVE them!-they come in SEVERAL colors, too.) Hope she likes them and they work for baby Gatlin! Good luck, Amy...hope to see you soon!!