I did the shirt to match these bloomers, which came from Kelly's Kids. I'm a sales rep for Kelly's Kids, also! They have cute stuff for this fall, you can check them out at www.kellyskids.com!!!
Dresses: Sleeveless -$25
Short sleeve- $25
Long Sleeve- $30
Other Items: Towel (beach/bath)- $15
Kitchen towels- $12
Items brought to me: Monogram- $5 and up (depending on name size)
Applique- $7 and up (depending on size of applique)
**add $3-$5 for applique + name (total depends on length of the name)
***Some items come in a variety of colors. I may not have your choice of size/color in stock, but I will be happy to order to suit your needs! Feel free to email any questions/concerns!
If you have any questions or if I left something off, please email me!!