Sorry for not posting in FOREVER!! It's been a crazy one. I thought Santa was going to bring me a new machine for Christmas, but he must have gotten sidetracked on that thought!! ;) There's always my BIRTHDAY, which is TOMORROW! HA. Anyway, I have a few pictures of things I've done, and just haven't sat down to upload and update the blog. I will do that this week sometime. In the meantime, Valentines will be here before we know it. I asked Rosemary, over at Applique Cafe, for permission to use her pictures of designs (some I have yet to buy) to show what's out there. So, here are some designs I HAVE, and some are from AC that I don't have yet. Keep in mind there are other websites that I buy designs from, too! I'm excited about the new year and what it has to bring for "The Crafty Monkey"!! I am still teaching, so I'm still monogramming/applique(ing), just please get in your items/orders in enough time for me to get them done! I have 2 kids, plus a husband to take care of, too! I love doing this for people and apologize for any inconvience I may have caused over Christmas break. With 2010 being my first year at this, I was unaware of how "busy" you could get! This year, I will be more aware and hopefully be able to manage my time better. Hopefully I can come up with a schedule and set aside certain nights to monogram, and I will be off summers, so that will also help! Thanks for your continued support!!
Here are a few of the appliques for Valentines:

XOXO heart


Double heart patch

Alphabet heart patch

Simple heart


heart train~AC

Valentine dog~AC

Swirly heart~AC

Peace heart~AC

Love 2~AC

Heart truck~AC

Heart trio~AC

Peace heart~AC

Heart patch~AC

Raggy heart~AC